Holiday Travels and Bed Bugs: Tips to Keep Unwanted Guests Out of Your Home


The holiday season brings joy, travel, and visiting friends and family. But along with all the excitement, there’s one uninvited guest you definitely don’t want tagging along: bed bugs. These tiny hitchhikers are experts at sneaking into luggage, coats, and even holiday decorations, waiting to set up camp in your home. Here’s how to stay vigilant and prevent bed bugs from spoiling your holiday festivities.

Why Bed Bugs Love the Holiday Season

During the holidays, bed bugs get their own “free rides” thanks to increased travel. Whether staying in hotels, visiting loved ones, or receiving guests, bed bugs are more likely to spread from one place to another. With Alaska’s cold winter encouraging more indoor gatherings, it’s the perfect time for bed bugs to catch a lift and settle in.

Tips to Avoid Bringing Bed Bugs Home This Holiday Season

  1. Inspect Your Accommodations
    Before settling into a hotel or guest room, inspect the bedding and furniture for signs of bed bugs. Look for small brown or reddish stains on sheets, mattress seams, and around headboards. If you notice any signs, request a different room or choose another place to stay.

  2. Keep Luggage Off the Floor
    Bed bugs are notorious for hiding in carpets and baseboards. Use luggage racks to keep bags off the ground and away from the bed, where bed bugs are most likely to be found.

  3. Wash and Dry Clothes Immediately After Travel
    Bed bugs can’t survive high heat, so after returning from holiday trips, wash all clothes in hot water and dry them on the highest setting. This quick step ensures any bed bugs that may have latched on during your travels won’t make it into your home.

  4. Check Holiday Decorations and Gifts
    Bed bugs can hide in more than just luggage; holiday decorations, gifts, and boxes can also harbor these pests. If you’re bringing items out of storage or receiving packages from friends and family, give them a quick inspection before bringing them inside.

  5. Keep Coats and Bags Separate
    If you’re hosting a holiday gathering, designate a space for guests’ coats and bags away from bedrooms or other soft furnishings. This will help minimize the risk of bed bugs migrating from one item to another.

What to Do If You Suspect a Bed Bug Infestation

If you suspect bed bugs have made their way into your home, don’t delay. Bed bugs can spread quickly, and early detection is crucial for successful treatment. Alaska Pest Management can provide a thorough inspection and effective treatment options to help you enjoy a bed-bug-free holiday season.

Let Alaska Pest Management Handle Unwanted Guests

Don’t let bed bugs ruin your holiday spirit. Our team at Alaska Pest Management is trained to handle bed bug infestations with effective and safe treatments. Whether you’re preparing for travel or hosting loved ones, we’re here to help you keep bed bugs out so you can focus on what matters most this season—creating warm memories, bed-bug free.




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